How to use Timers, Queue, and Quotes in Streamlabs Desktop Cloudbot 101

How to Use Song Requests in Cloudbot

streamlabs add command

Timers are commands that are periodically set off without being activated. You can use timers to promote the most useful commands. Typically social accounts, Discord links, and new videos are promoted using the timer feature.

In this tutorial we will be using the Streamlabs Cloudbot. To use Commands, you first need to enable a chatbot. Streamlabs Cloudbot is our cloud-based chatbot that supports Twitch, YouTube, and Trovo simultaneously. With 26 unique features, Cloudbot improves engagement, keeps your chat clean, and allows you to focus on streaming while we take care of the rest. Now your viewers can easily create clips on your channel using the Streamlabs Cloudbot.

Step 1 – Make Cloudbot A Mod In Your Channel

Before creating timers you can link timers to commands via the settings. This means that whenever you create a new timer, a command will also be made for it. Watch time commands allow your viewers to see how long they have been watching the stream. It is a fun way for viewers to interact with the stream and show their support, even if they’re lurking.

If you are a larger streamer you may want to skip the lurk command to prevent spam in your chat. When you add this command in your chat you will see your most loyal fans battle it out, to see who has the longest watch time. In this tutorial I am going to break down how to enable the ! Watchtime command using the Streamlabs cloudbot.

Social Commands (YouTube, Twitter, Instagram etc)

Head over to your Twitch chat and type in the ! When set up correctly it will return the users total watch time just like the screenshot below. We hope you have found this list of Cloudbot commands helpful. Remember to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Custom chat commands can be a great way to let your community know certain elements about your channel so that you don’t have to continually repeat yourself. You can also use them to make inside jokes to enjoy with your followers as you grow your community.

If a command is set to Chat the bot will simply reply directly in chat where everyone can see the response. If it is set to Whisper the bot will instead DM the user the response. The Whisper option is only available for Twitch & Mixer at this time. You may also want to go into the advanced setting section and add a “User Cooldown”. This will stop the same user spamming the command over and over again in chat. To set up the watch time command on Twitch you will need to use a third party bot.

There are also various other commands that can be used in conjunction with the Loyalty System. This is where you can adjust the payout interval & amount of points your viewers earn while watching the stream. When streaming it is likely that you get viewers from all around the world. A time command can be helpful to let your viewers know what your local time is. Queues allow you to view suggestions or requests from viewers. For example, if you are playing Mario Maker, your viewers can send you specific levels, allowing you to see them in your queue and go through them one at a time.

streamlabs add command

In the preferences settings, you’re able to Whitelist certain websites so that users can send a link in chat without fear of punishment. As a streamer you tend to talk in your local time and date, however, your viewers can be from all around the world. When talking about an upcoming event it is useful to have a date command so users can see your local date.

How To Stream On Multiple Platforms At The Same Time – [Easy Guide]

Chat commands are a great way to engage with your audience and offer helpful information about common questions or events. This post will show you exactly how to set up custom chat commands in Streamlabs. In the streamlabs chatbot section copy the the link. Do not copy the $readapi( at the start of the link. You only need the actual link. Copy the code below and replace “YOUR LINK HERE” with the link.

streamlabs add command

Command – This is what our viewers will type in to activate the command. To set up the clip command on Twitch you will need to use a third party bot. Similar to the above one, these commands also make use of Ankhbot’s $readapi function, however, these commands are exhibited for other services, not for Twitch.

Cloudbot from Streamlabs is a chatbot that adds entertainment and moderation features for your live stream. It automates tasks like announcing new followers and subs and can send messages of appreciation to your viewers. Cloudbot is easy to set up and use, and it’s completely free. A current song command allows viewers to know what song is playing.

  • You can now test to see if your command is working correctly in chat.
  • The streamer will name the counter and you will use that to keep track.
  • Depending on the Command, some can only be used by your moderators while everyone, including viewers, can use others.
  • Commands help live streamers and moderators respond to common questions, seamlessly interact with others, and even perform tasks.
  • Next, head to your Twitch channel and mod Streamlabs by typing /mod Streamlabs in the chat.

While there are mod commands on Twitch, having additional features can make a stream run more smoothly and help the broadcaster interact with their viewers. We hope that this list will help you make a bigger impact on your viewers. You can now test to see if your command is working correctly in chat.

Tag a Random User in Streamlabs Chatbot Response

Each command comes with a set of permissions. Depending on the Command, some can only be used by your moderators while everyone, including viewers, can use others. Below is a list of commonly used Twitch commands that can help as you grow your channel.

Go to and ensure you are logged in with your Twitch account. Navigate to Cloudbot on the left hand side and ensure that Cloudbot is turned on. If you want to delete the command altogether, click the trash can option. You can also edit the command by clicking on the pencil.

  • You are even able to add, remove, or even give your own points to another user by using !
  • Here’s how you would keep track of a counter with the command !
  • Each 8ball response will need to be on a new line in the text file.
  • If you want to delete the command altogether, click the trash can option.

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Posted: Thu, 20 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]